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Editorial: Marriage is whom you choose to be married to

One of the most important decisions you will make in life (if not the most important) is whom to marry. The person you choose to be your partner (for life) is so important, that if done right, will earn you total happiness but if you choose wrongly, your misery might know no bounds.We must understand that Marriage as an institution is not a problem. The problem lies with the imperfections, flaws and weakness of our human nature. The selfish, greedy and envious nature of the human causes us to create problems in our marriages. The Cheating, lying, unforgiveness etc creates tension in our marriage causing misery for your partner.

It is critical to choose right because your Marriage (bad or good) can affect every aspect of your life. Your career, your education, emotions, physique and spirituality etc. Therefore, make the effort to marry right! And marry for the right reasons!

Marrying the wrong person is a problem. Getting married for the wrong reasons is also a problem.

Marrying the right person

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 puts it beautifully

“Love is Patient, Love is Kind, it does not envy, it is not proud, it is not rude… it keeps no record of evil…”

 Try this Quick test

wherever you see love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, put your partner’s name there and see if you are choosing right.

Is your partner Kind? Is she rude? Is he trustworthy? Is she honest?

Basic virtues like Honesty, Trustworthiness, Humility, Respect assures you that you are choosing right.

Don’t get married because:

You think you are growing old. Better old and alone than married but lonely. Loneliness and depression in marriage have sent many to an early grave.

You need someone to support you financially. If you need money to support your lifestyle, get a job please. It is better to be independent that being a slave to a partner because of their financial assistance.

Of family pressures. We have heard of family members who have forced relatives into marriage but are nowhere to be found when the relative is depressed and needs a shoulder to cry on.

All your friends are getting married. Last time I check, marriage is not a competition. YOU decide when and whom you want to be married to for life.

    Marriage is for Life

  • If you are single, don’t rush into marriage, you still have the best opportunity to prepare for it.
  • If you are courting and preparing for marriage, do not ignore any warning signs from your partner. Discuss it
  • If you are married, be honest with your partner and make your marriage a happy one.

Your marriage is whom you are married to. A good partner makes a good marriage. Hence, do not forget to be a good partner even as you hope and pray to choose a good partner.

By: Counsellor Mrs. Vida Kemevor Dadebo // Radio Angelus

Email: delacy20@yahoo.com

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